Como Corner

Como Corner

This garden is a volunteer supported “park” that provides a restful spot for bikers, bus riders, and neighbors! Originally an overgrown vacant lot that was mostly owned by the railroad, Como Corner is now beautiful perennial flower garden and community meeting place. There is lots of history in this garden and new exciting developments happening as well. The Como Corner gardeners meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays evenings from 6:30 to sundown and occasionally have special events as well. See the SECIA Event Calendar.

Como Corner Webpage Link

Google Group to stay informed of garden news

[email protected] for more information

Is it a weed? How bad is it? Some weeds we tolerate, while others can be quite harmful. Here is an excellent guide from the State of MN to use in identifying noxious weeds and invasive species. There is also a section with Native plants for comparison to help you distinguish plants that are good for our environment vs those that are not. Read more

Tools, gloves, and snacks are provided. We hope to see you!