Future of Tuttle School

The Tuttle School building at 18th & Talmage Ave SE was built in 1911 and has gone through transformations throughout its history. As of Summer 2021, it is no longer needed as a public school building.

Tuttle Community School Future Still Uncertain

SECIA formed an Ad Hoc committee to study and interact with MPS regarding the future of Tuttle. In 2021, we surveyed the neighborhood to determine what you all wanted. We have presented that information to MPS and are ready to present it to potential developers. What we are working on now is trying to locate reputable developers with proven experience redeveloping old structurally sound buildings into livable useable structures; who have experience funding, developing, and managing affordable housing; and who are willing to listen to us about community wants and needs.

Recently, MPS selected a real estate broker to handle the sale or lease of all three surplus properties. The broker is Commercial Equities Group (CEG). Their Tuttle page went live on their website shortly after Christmas at www.CEGspaces.com/properties. They expect it to be a fairly long process because a developer first needs to assess the building and properties and then develop a plan that meets MPS criteria, along with proof of adequate funding.  As you will see if you study the CEG brochure, they cannot propose a school or day care facility. They also need to prove they have community support. We will continue to assess potential developers and stay in contact with CEG and MPS.

If you have questions or want to get involved with the Future of Tuttle Ad Hoc Committee, in the next stages of this project, please contact [email protected]